Seeking my Aquilla

July 21, 2021

The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings. Aquilla and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets at their house.

I Corinthians 16:19

So, I have had a fascination over the past few years with Priscilla and Aquila.  I don’t know much about them but this much I do know.  They are mentioned four times in the New Testament.  They were tent makers from Rome that worked and preached with Paul.  The are first mentioned in Acts 18 when they sailed for Syria with Paul and parted company with him in Ephesus.  A church met at their home as mentioned in 1 Corinthians.  In Romans 16, Paul refers to them as his co-workers in Christ and says they risked their lives for him.  In 2 Timothy 4 Paul gives his final greetings, mentioning Priscilla and Aquila again for the last time.  2 Timothy is thought to be Paul’s last book written before his death and he mentions them.  To say the least, Paul was very fond of this couple.

I grew up in the church, read the Bible and I’m sure I’ve heard their name once or twice over the years but never gave them any thought.  So why am I so intrigued with this couple now?  I can use my imagination and fantasize they are a beautiful husband and wife making tents and preaching side by side. I like to imagine they worked near the water, probably because I love the water so much.  Maybe when the church met at their home, Priscilla prepared a meal and they prayed together and thanked God for providing for them and protecting them. Maybe their home was big, or maybe it was very tiny.  I wonder if the tents they made were of high quality and they were well known for their work.   The Bible never mentions if they had children, but they could have had a houseful! Undoubtedly, they both loved Jesus and were probably Christians before they met Paul.  The led others to Christ, together.  What an amazing marriage and ministry!

I was first introduced to them when I was led to Acts 18 during my prayer time and Bible reading.  My Bible is an application Bible so there are highlights of various people throughout the Bible.  The highlight on Priscilla and Aquilla was what drew me to them. I loved that they served together, worked together, and I hope they laughed, sang, danced and even cried together.   Over the next couple of years, I was led to the other scriptures that mention them.   At the time I felt sure there was an “Aquilla” out there for me.  I was newly separated and really starting my journey of getting closer to God, studying scripture and learning about the Holy Spirit.  I felt like God was leading me to these scriptures because there was an Aquilla, we would minister together and live happily ever after, amen. 

Well, that has not happened, and it may not.   I was talking with my pastoral counselor this week and she put a different spin on finding my Aquilla. Instead of my Aquilla being a man, could it be Jesus?  I can work side by side with Jesus.  I can minister side by side with Jesus.  I can open my home to ministry side by side with Jesus.  I can serve others through my Divorce Care ministry side by side with Jesus.   I can serve my patients and coworkers and pray for them side by side with Jesus.

 I trust God’s ultimate plan for the rest of my life. He’s got me, he protects me, and I have learned to not question Him.  I think that is what Satan wants me to do.  To doubt God and his plan for my life.   I recently read Amos 4:13:

“He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth-

the Lord God Almighty is his name.”

The verse was directed toward the Israelites, but I find it applies to me today.  Who am I to question God?   

I will continue to be fascinated with this couple who loved God and Jesus and served with Paul.  They give me hope that this type of relationship can happen.  I do know couples like them that serve together.  Maybe I am a little jealous of them if I really admit it to myself.   Regardless, I will continue to serve, worship and glorify God and will allow Jesus to be my “Aquilla.”

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