
from Pain

A Journey of Healing Through God, Faith and Love

to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes

Isaiah 61:3

and made me as gold purified through these flames

Beauty from Pain, Superchick

My story… I married at 19, divorced at 51 after a 32 year marriage. My marriage ended due to the devastating effects of my ex-husband’s infidelity and alcohol abuse. I became a single mother to two teenagers. Despite a very bitter divorce, I have pulled through to create a new life with the help of God’s strength, comfort, provision and healing power. God has put many people in my life to help me through this journey. My ministry now is to help others get through their own difficulties. I currently facilitate a Divorce Care group at my church, walk along with others in my church serving those in need, continue to make new friends and value the people that God continues to put in my path.

To follow my blog, click on the ‘My Journey’ tab under the menu or read my blog post via WordPress.

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